In order to confirm the shielding properties of a cupboard, cabinet or shielded room and to be able to maintain long-term and stable protection, we perform measurements according to a determined routine and in accordance with the standard IEEE Std 299–1997. A measurement actually consists of several different measurements, with different antennas, so that everything can be measured within the frequency range - from 0.0011 Mhz to 11 Ghz.
The measurement results in a number of reports that clearly show whether the object of measurement meets the set requirements and, if not, at which frequencies there are deviations. If there are deviant values in a measurement report, we can propose recommendations and measures to solve any deficiencies discovered.
In order to maintain, and above all, get a confirmation of the shielding properties that your object requires, you should periodically ensure a shielding check is performed. Being exposed to a breach can have far more fatal consequences. As a customer, you will receive from us a professional measurement with a clear protocol, as well as, in the event of deficiencies, proposals for possible measures to take.
We also offer service agreements where ongoing checks, measurements and maintenance are included. You will receive a proposal regarding a maintenance interval and cost proposal.
For further information on EMC measurement, contact Service Manager Johan Jändel-Holst via: +46 54-57 01 20, or email via:>
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