
You can never get too much knowledge! That is why we constantly share our experiences and knowledge from all our focus areas in terms of products, technology, services and solutions. We organize both workshops and demo meetings and, if desired, also customized training courses and lectures. You choose how you want to set up a knowledge exchange. Together we then find the best meeting option and time. This is what we offer:

Emergency Lighting

Lectures and workshops on products and systems, where emergency lighting should be installed, current standards, norms & regulations. Information about project planning and service agreements.

UPS – Uninterruptible Power Supply

We lecture and organize workshops with products, solutions and services in the UPS area. Informs about the Housing Authority's rules, standards, commissioning, how emergency power supply works for firefighting lifts, load calculation, etc.

Fire & Evacuation Alarm

Lectures and workshops with products, systems and services in the fire alarm area. Information on current standards, regulations, planning, commissioning, testing and other documentation required for builder's certificate.

Shielding Technology

Lectures and workshops containing individual products, solutions and services in the EMC field. We inform about threats in the electrical environment, radiating and conductive disturbances as well as effective shell protection solutions. Also regulations/standards in the field. 

Measuring Instruments

We train, give lectures and organize workshops in subjects installation control, electrical safety, other measurement methods as well as common problems around ground faults, resistance, leakage currents, etc.


Workshops and demo meetings where we speak about lighting planning, lighting theory, fittings properties and technology. Also information on project planning and light calculation.

Do you want to know more about training courses?

Send a message to your KAMIC contact for more information about training and knowledge exchange or send an email to> and we'll take it from there.